Dear Candidates,
Over the last two years the WCRP has invested in its own voter database, which combines data from multiple primary sources including GOP Data Center. Among other advantages, the database allows the local party to "fix" incorrect information thereby making our data better over time.
For every voter, we have up to 400 pieces of information about them. We can use those fields as filters to created all kinds of targeted voter lists. Provided below is a "menu" of the data resources that the party can provide to you.
When making a request to any of the parties listed below, please be sure to give them a few days to process the request.
Walking Lists: To request a walking list from the party, please reach out to Austin at He'll provide you with spreadsheets by precinct.
Calling Lists: To request a primary phone calling list from the party, please reach out to Austin at He'll provide you with a spreadsheet.
Mailing Lists: If you'd like to get your message out to voters via mail, please reach out to Austin at He will work together with you on the target audience, giving you an idea of how many mailings are needed. The party will send the addresses to a third-party mailer, like Lithtex or AMS. You will provide the third-party mailer with your mailing. You will never see the addresses, but your mailing will be sent to them all.
Texting Lists: The party has amassed a database of 69k cell phone numbers. If you'd like to get your message out to voters over a text message, please reach out to Austin at He can work with you on the message and on the target audience. The cost to use the party's data is free. The cost to send a message is around $.15 per outgoing text. Text message open rates are greater than 80%. We've seen response rates greater than 12%.
Emailing Lists: The party has amassed a database of over 40k email addresses. If you'd like to get your message out to voters over email, please share your message with us at, and we will distribute your message to the party's list from the party's email address. It will be presented as a message from you to the party.
Thank you for being involved in the process and committing to run for office.
For the Win!
John Ramsey
Chair, WCRP