One of the main functions of a political party is to recruit and vet candidates, and then help get them elected. We need to fill every seat from County Council, City Council, to school board and port commission with conservatives who can restore order, sanity and American principles to our government.
We have seen our current representatives drop the ball on the homeless problem. We have seen bad economic policy, for which higher taxation seems to be the only solution they can think of. Businesses are suffering from poor management of the COVID-19 crisis, and disrespect for basic principles of freedom and liberty. The cancel culture has infected our government.
Here is a list of offices in Whatcom County where we have an opportunity to make a change. You can print this, mark it up, or share copies with your neighbors.
ScheduledRacesList2021-Printable (Excel) (PDF)
Our founders imagined a Republic where ordinary citizens could serve for a limited time, and then return to their regularly scheduled lives. Not a career, not something we do for the fame and the power, but to help make our community a better place for our friends and family. Look to your left, look to your right. If you don't see a better candidate, then the best person for the job might just be you. Please consider stepping up.
Email us your suggestions for people whom you think would make a good candidate, or volunteer to run yourself. You can click the red button to send us a preformed email but feel free to add any additional information you choose before sending.​